Pengumuman Pembayaran Uang Kuliah
REG-2 SYARAT TB-1 GANJIL 2022-2023 (1) REG-1-SYARAT TB-1 GANJIL 2022-2023 (1)
Read more.MERCU BUANA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION SCIENCE (MICoCS) Society Empowerment amidst the New Normal: Communication, Socio-Cultural, Political, Economic, and Technological
MERCU BUANA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION SCIENCE (MICoCS) Greetings from Jakarta! Mercu Buana International Conference on Communication Science (MICoCS)
Read more.Jadwal Sidang Akhir / Seminar Proposal Online Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Tanggal 20-31 Desember 2022
No NAMA NIM JUDUL TA Ketua Sidang Penguji Ahli Dosen Pembimbing Dosen Pembimbing 2 Sidang Akhir / Seminar Proposal Kelas
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