Kuliah Umum “Isu-isu Terkini Penelitian Komunikasi” Oleh Prof. Dr. Adnan Hussein, Ph.D.

Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Mercu Buana (UMB) kembali menggelar kuliah umum yang diselenggarakan pada Kamis 31 Oktober 2013 di C203. Kuliah umum yang mengambil tema “Isu-Isu Terkini Penelitian Komunikasi” yang di sampaikan oleh Prof. Dr. Adnan Hussein, Ph.D. selaku narasumber dari School of Communication, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).

Turut hadir dalam acara tersebut Dekan fakultas ilmu komunikasi Dr. Agustina Zubair M.Si., Wakil Dekan Fakultas  Ilmu Komunikasi Drs. Abdul Rahman, MM., M.Si. dan seluruh pejabat, dosen-dosen  serta mahasiswa fakultas ilmu komunikasi UMB yang tengah mengambil mata kuliah Riset dan Seminar.

Seluruh Jajaran dan Dosen FIKOM yang menghadiri Kuliah Umum  “Isu-isu Terkini Penelitian Komunikasi” Oleh Prof. Dr. Adnan Hussein, Ph.D.
Seluruh Jajaran dan Dosen FIKOM yang menghadiri Kuliah Umum “Isu-isu Terkini Penelitian Komunikasi” Oleh Prof. Dr. Adnan Hussein, Ph.D.

Prof. Adnan menjelaskan jika topik itu bisa berasal dari isu-isu sosial, lingkungan sekitar, masalah sosial atau satu fenomena, personal experience dan kepercayaan dari segi science terhadap suatu persoalan. Dalam mendalami sebuah topik yang akan kita gunakan sebagai bahan penelitian kita,  kita harus mencari berbagai sumber agar kita bisa tahu topik mana yang cocok untuk kita teliti yang sesuai dengan apa yang sudah kita pelajari dan kita pahami. Dan pada intinya kita dituntut untuk banyak membaca berbagai literatur sehingga kita mempunyai banyak referensi atau rujukan untuk penelitian kita. | Eka.

Dekan Fakultas  Ilmu Komunikasi Dr. Agustina Zubair M.Si. memberikan kenang-kenangan kepada Prof. Dr. Adnan Hussein, Ph.D. setelah selesai memberikan materi kuliah umum.
Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Dr. Agustina Zubair M.Si. memberikan kenang-kenangan kepada Prof. Dr. Adnan Hussein, Ph.D. setelah selesai memberikan materi kuliah umum.

Struktur Organisasi Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi







Prof. Dr. Ahmad Mulyana



Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi


Dr. Irmulansati. T, SH, MSi

Wakil Dekan

Bidang Sumberdaya & Keuangan

[email protected]

 Dr. Farid Hamid, M.Si

Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi [email protected]

Eka Perwitasari Fauzi, S.Sos, MA

Sekprodi 1 Ilmu Komunikasi Eka Perwitasari Fauzi@mercubuana.ac.id
Kurniawan Prasetyo, S.Ikom., M.Ikom Sekprodi 2 Ilmu Komunikasi [email protected]

Andi Pajolloi Bate, MA

Sekprodi 3 Ilmu Komunikasi  
Melly Ridaryanthi | Mercu Buana University - Academia.eduMelly Ridaryanthi, Ph D Sekprodi 4 Ilmu Komunikasi  

SM Niken Restaty, M.Si

Sekprodi 5 Ilmu Komunikasi [email protected]           

Siti Muslichatul, M.Ikom

Sekprodi 6 Ilmu Komunikasi  

Sukadi, SE, MM

Kepala Tata Usaha  Ilmu Komunikasi

[email protected]

Bambang Purwanto, M.I.kom


Koordinator Laboratorium [email protected]



MERCU BUANA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION SCIENCE (MICoCS) Society Empowerment amidst the New Normal: Communication, Socio-Cultural, Political, Economic, and Technological Perspectives



Greetings from Jakarta!

Mercu Buana International Conference on Communication Science (MICoCS) is an academic event hosted by Postgraduate Program at the Faculty of Communication Science, Univesitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia. The conference will be held covering the main theme of Society Empowerment amidst the New Normal: Communication, Socio-Cultural, Political, Economic, and Technological Perspectives. The theme was constructed based on the current situation of Pandemic Covid-19 that has brought society in the whole world into a shifting of social communication and interactions as well as every aspect of the economy, politics, and healthcare industry.

The Pandemic has not been over yet. However, we have to manage to adapt to the changes that occurred and adopt the digital technology that could facilitate our activities. Thus, the advancement of technology has bridged all aspects of the communication activity during and in the post-pandemic era; education, healthcare, politics, and the economy are mediated and become a collection of contemporary issues that explores new areas, redefines former concepts, and proposes discourses over communication theories, and portrays a new scene upon the edge of the global crisis by Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, various topics and sub-topics are provided, and not limited to the list, to accommodate participants’ research of interest and ideas for both academic and practical purposes.

This conference will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and research outcomes in theoretical and practices as well as social and industrial applications. The conference invites delegates from across Indonesia and neighboring countries with similar interests in research. The diverse interdisciplinary point of view will be shared and discussed thoroughly among scholars. The conference will be the source of valuable ideas and possible collaboration to encourage social empowerment during and post-pandemic era and to ensure the society is able to adapt to the New Normal by adopting digital technology as part of their communication tools.


All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed based on their originality, research findings, and relevance with the theme of this conference as follow:


 However, the topic of each paper should be related, but not limited, to the following list:


  1. Media and Digital Technology
  2. Virtual Communication and Emerging Technology
  3. Virtual Team Leadership
  4. Online Communication
  5. Computer-Mediated Communication
  6. Virtual culture


  1. Social media and participation
  2. Digital activism
  3. Mass media and social action
  4. Game and simulation
  5. Global collaboration


  1. Digital marketing communication
  2. Digital Industry, and Small Business and Medium Enterprise (SME)
  3. Media industry and Management
  4. Cyber Public Relations
  5. Brand communication and reputation management
  6. Effective campaign
  7. Tourism, culture and communication


  1. Political and Democratization
  2. Identity and politics
  3. Nationalism and culture politics
  4. Economic and Digital Business
  5. Media and social advocacy
  6. Communication and democracy
  7. Politic, hegemony and the media


  1. Digital campaign and activism
  2. Empowerment through media
  3. Gender in the media
  4. Cultural Pluralism
  5. E-government
  6. Media criticism
  7. Ideology and the media
  8. Social media and subculture
  9. Media and identity


  1. Public Health and Pharmacy
  2. Health Communication
  3. Telemedicine Communication
  4. Health literacy
  5. Communication planning for health emergency


  1. Multiculturalism and intercultural dialogues
  2. Digital immigrant and adaptation
  3. Teaching culture and intercultural communication
  4. Intercultural interaction exchange
  5. Communication and culture



FULL PAPER send to [email protected]

Download Manuscript Template by clicking the link à ( shorturl.at/gGIW3 )

Full paper and PPT are in English ONLY, however, the presentation could be delivered in English, Bahasa Indonesia, or Bahasa Melayu



The proposed keynote speaker for this conference will be Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, BBA., MBA., (to be confirmed) who will convey his speech related to tourism, culture, and communication.  The confirmation of his presence will be further informed to the sponsor.



A plenary session will be held after the opening ceremony by presenting five (5) distinguished invited speakers. The proposed invited speakers are as follows:


 Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn, University of Passau, Germany



 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sabariah Mohamed Salleh, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia



 Prof. Dr. Rajab Ritonga, M.Si, Universitas Gunadarma, Indonesia


 Prof. Jantima Kheokao, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand


Rizki Briandana, M.Comm, Ph.D, Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia


 Dr. Maria Theresa B. Nardo Tarlac Agricultural University, Philippines




The conference is planned to be held at the following details:

Date                          : 2nd – 3rd November 2022

Venue                      : Harris Riverview Kuta, Bali, Indonesia


The process of paper submission, the announcement of accepted papers, and payments are as follows:



Full Paper Submission

1st June – 31st August 2022

Announcement of Accepted Papers

7th – 14th September 2022

Registration Payment Deadline

15th October 2022


Registration of this conference will be done online, however, the conference will be held as a hybrid; both physical and virtual. Thus, participants can choose the preferable participation and payment mode which will be subjected to the stated registration fee structure. Early Bird payment is also available for participants. The registration fees include admission to all sessions of the conference, conference material, certificate of participation, and a goodie bag (conference kit).

 Registration Fee

International/Foreign Participant Pyisical Virtual
Ø  Payment until 30th September 2022 USD 125 USD 63
Non-Presenter USD 50 USD 15
Domestic/Local Participant Physical Virtual
Ø  Payment until 30th September 2022 IDR 1.800.000 IDR 900.000
Non-Presenter IDR 750.000 IDR 200.000

Post-Conference Tour

The conference committee will be working with a local partner to provide a Post-Conference Tour for delegates who are keen to join.  A day Post-Conference Tour package is administered separately. It will be a half-day tour with details are as follows:

Date    : 3rd November 2022

Time   : 10.30 am – 3.00 pm

The tour price includes transportation, tour guide, and ticket.


The opportunity for publishing a paper in one of our reputable journal partners is one of the benefits for the audience joining this conference. Papers submitted at the conference will be published at MICoCS Proceeding with ISBN. Meanwhile, 48 (forty-eight) selected papers will be published at SCOPUS and SINTA Indexed Journals with an additional fee and conditions to follow:


The SCOPUS Indexed Journals aimed are as follows:

  1. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication; 10 selected papers will be published at the Special Issue in December 2023.

 The SINTA Indexed Journals aimed are as follows:

  1. Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia (Sinta 2); 10 selected papers will be published in January and July 2023
  2. Jurnal ASPIKOM (Sinta 2); 3 selected papers will be published in July 2023
  3. Jurnal KOMUNIKATOR (Sinta 2); 3 selected papers will be published in March 2023
  4. KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi (Sinta 3); 10 selected papers will be published in April and October 2023
  5. Bricolage: Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi (Sinta 3); 12 selected papers will be published in April and/or September 2023.


The conference will be held for two (2) days and an additional one day for Post-Conference Tour for desired delegates. The details are as follows:


Day – 1 | Wednesday, 2nd November 2022

11.00 – 13.00 Registration and lunch
13.00 – 15.00 Opening Ceremony

Plenary session

15.00 – 15.30 Coffee Break
15.30 – 18.00 Parallel Session 1
18.00 – 19.30 Dinner
19.30 – 21.00 Parallel Session 2


Day – 2 | Thursday, 3rd November 2022

07.00 – 08.00 Registration
08.00 – 09.30 –      Announcement of the best paper presentations and selected paper

–      Closing ceremony

09.30 – 10.30 Coaching clinic publication
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break
11.00 – 15.00 City Tour





Dr. Juwono Tri Atmodjo, M.Si

Dr. Heri Budianto, M.Si.

Dr. Afdal Makkuraga Putra, M.Si



CHAIRWOMAN Dr. Nur Kholisoh, M.Si
SECRETARY Melly Ridaryanthi, M.Soc.Sc., Ph.D
Head of Division Linda Puspitasari, S.E.
Head of Division Melly Ridaryanthi, M.Soc.Sc., Ph.D
Head of Division Ridho Azlam Ambo Asse, M.Ikom
Member Aulia Rahman, S.Ikom

Bambang Purwanto, M.Ikom

Liaison Officer Mutia Rahayu, M.Ikom

Andi Pajolloi Bate, M.A

Haekal Fajri Amrullah, M.Sc

PIC City tour Wiyanto, M.Ikom

Engga Probi Endri, M.A.

Head of Division Dr. Ira Purwitasari, S.Sos., M.Ikom
Member Mutia Rahayu, M.Ikom

Andi Pajolloi Bate, M.A.

Engga Probi Endri, M.A.

Head of Division Dr. SM Niken Restaty, M.Si
Member Dewi Sad Tanti, M.Ikom

Engga Probi Endri, M.A.

Wiyanto, M.Ikom

Rizki Agustin, S.Kom

Head of Division Dr. SM Niken Restaty, M.Si
Member Bambang Purwanto, M.Ikom
Aulia Rahman, S.Ikom
LOGISTICS & CONSUMPTION (Accommodation, venue, transportation, consumption):
Head of Division Dr. (Cand.) Feni Fasta, M.Si

Tim Zafiraah Madina

Member Haekal Fajri Amrullah, M.Si
Head of Division Dr. Afdal Makkuraga Putra, M.Si
Member All committee members



Contact us:

Email: [email protected]



Contact us:

Email: [email protected]



Tim Mahasiswa Fikom Sabet Juara Umum di International Business Idea Challenge (IBIC) 2021

Tim Mahasiswa Fikom Sabet Juara Umum di International Business Idea Challenge (IBIC) 2021

Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi (FIKOM) Universitas Mercu Buana berhasil mendapatkan Juara Umum untuk kategori International Young Social Entrepreneur Competition (IYSEC) dalam ajang International Business Idea Challenge (IBIC) 2021 yang berlangsung secara daring pada 15-16 Desember 2021 di Malaysia.

Tim AR Foundation yang terdiri dari Arsyika Mutia Damayanti (Public Relations/Kampus Meruya), Allaika Yasmin Affendi (Broadcasting/Kampus Menteng), Arinda Sintha Dewi (Public Relations/Pejaten), dan Riqqah Hamidah (Public Relations/Meruya) keluar sebagai Juara Umum sekaligus mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai “Most Innovative Idea”. Tim ini mengusung tema kesejahteraan untuk atlet Indonesia yang dinilai masih kurang diperhatikan oleh pemerintah.

Arsyika mengatakan bahwa Tim AR Foundation berharap proyek ini dapat terealisasi secara nyata dan dapat menjadi awal yang baik untuk atlet Indonesia. “Melalui pencapaian ini kami ingin membuktikan bahwa kampus dan negara kami akan selalu memberikan yang terbaik melalui inovasi ide-ide mahasiswa untuk menjawab permasalahan sosial” lanjut Arsyika.

Selain Tim AR Foundation, tim fikom lainnya yaitu MyElderly Care juga berhasil meraih medali emas (Gold Medal). Tim yang digawangi oleh Julio Dandri Fernando (Marcomm/Kampus Meruya), Shafira Erika Putri (Marcomm/Kampus Meruya), Mutiara Chalisha (Public Relations/Kampus Pejaten), Nabillah Amanda (Public Relations/Kampus Meruya) mengangkat kesejahteraan lansia berbasis aplikasi mobil.

Sementara itu enam tim fikom berhasil meraih medali perak (silver) dan dua tim meraih medali perunggu. Dr. Elly Yuliawati selaku Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Komunikas memberikan sambutan hangat atas keberhasilan Tim Fikom pada IBIC tahun ini. “Syukur kita kepada Allah SWT atas kemenangan tim fikom di IBIC tahun 2021.Semoga ini menjadi berkah bagi kita semua, penyemangat bagi mahasiswa dalam mengaktualisasikan diri. Teruslah bergelora menebar manfaat”.

Tanggapan serupa juga disampaikan oleh Dr. Tri Juwono selaku Wakil Dekan, “Selamat kepada para dosen pendamping yang sudah membimbing tim dan seluruh civitas akademika Fikom UMB”. Beliau menambahkan bahwa ajang kompetisi tidak hanya mengasah kemampuan diri tetapi juga kemampuan kreatif dan kolaboratif sebagai tolok ukur  daya saing  mahasiswa  dan perbaikan-perbaikan mendatang. Sementara Ketua Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi, Dr. Farid Hamid memberikan apresiasi dan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada mahasiswa yang mengharumkan almamater dengan prestasi yang diraih di kompetisi internasional seperti IBIC. “Tetapi jangan cepat puas, capai terus prestasi tertinggi, ukir terus prestasi. Selamat dan Terus Semangat!”

Arsyika dan 31 orang lainnya merupakan peserta International Student e-Exchange 2021 pada 8 -26 November, dimana luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah kompetisi ide bisnis yang kemudian diikutsertakan pada IBIC 2021. Ada sekitar enam negara, dan 134 tim pendaftar pada tiga kategori IBIC, yaitu eBes, IYSEC, dan IBIC School.

Selamat atas prestasi yang dicapai! Semoga dapat menginspirasi teman-teman mahasiswa yang lain.

Salam sehat selalu!