Broadcasting field of study holds “Television Production Workshop with MNC Media”

Field of Broadcasting Study, Faculty of Communication, Mercu Buana University held a Television Production Workshop with MNC Media. The activity entitled “The Production Process Television “is an activity carried out as part of the MNC Media Anniversary Celebration, namely RCTI, MNC TV, Global TV, and INews. This workshop invited MNV’s External Manager Corporate Secretary Media, Ahmad Al-Hafiz and RCTI Production Manager, Agung Priyatno, S.I.Kom as presenters. Theory what is delivered is the design of the television production process, in the pre-production stage, the production process, and post production.

Participants of this workshop are broadcasting students class 2017-2018, who are indeed deep his courses discuss news production and non television news. Students welcome this activity and seemed very enthusiastic about the material given. This can be seen from the number of students who asked questions in the question and answer session.

In the future, Fields of Broadcasting hopes that cooperation and workshops like this can be achieved continues to be done because it can provide useful knowledge and can improve quality student / I Broadcasting in producing a television program.