Grand Final of GenRe ambassador West Jakarta 2019, Student Achievement of School of Communication Sciences

Champion of the Grand Final of the GenRe ambassador in West Jakarta 2019, among which will continue to the provincial level of DKI Jakarta.

The name of the winner is:

1. Fanisa Salsabilla: Public Relations 2017 (1st place winner)

2. Hilmi Hakim: Public Relations 2016 (3rd Place Winner)

3. Clarissa Riana Mukhlis: Public Relations 2018 (2nd Women’s Hope Champion)

4. Putri Mayang: Public Relations 2016 (Princess Favorite Champion)

Lecture of Public Care) Concentration of Broadcasting, PediaCare team of the University of Mercu Buana. Thursday (July 20, 2019)

 This can be seen from the phenomenon of early childhood that mimics the speech and behavior of figures circulating on the internet. Like the saying ‘Ah ready’ which was popularized by a YouTuber who was imitated by early childhood. “The internet is like two sides of a knife, this is often heard by the public. When used properly, the internet can be a media for children’s education with various educational content. On the other hand, if it is not used properly and is not supervised, the internet can be the main suspect in the formation of unfavorable character of children. 

Public Relations dengan tema “Culture As The Ability To See The Multiple World’s Of Other in The Eyes Of Public

Culture and sundry around Turkey seems to have never faded from the hearts of the Indonesian people, especially the citizens of the capital. Responding to this enthusiasm, Unite Culture Indonesia-Turkey (UNICATUR) Universitas Mercubuana held a talk show today, Thursday, June 20, 2019.

Quarantine Meeting on Completion of Proposal for AIPT Research Program for Domestic and Foreign Cooperation June 18, 2019

The Quarantine Meeting was held on June 18, 2019 at the UMB Kranggan Campus, for the Completion of the AIPT Research Program Cooperation in Domestic and Foreign Cooperation.

Marketing Communication Internship Workshop: We Are Competent in New Era of Marketing Communocation And Advertising Industry

the workshop was held on Griday 3 May 2019 at Building C203 Campus Meruya. Students are provided with knowledge of trend in the Marketing Communication & Advertising industry and and also how to create a good CV and job interview simulation