Exchange lecturer UMB – MMU Melaka

18 September s.d 18 November 2019 Kegiatan exchange lecturer umb-mmu melaka, dosen eka perwitasari fauzi, m.ed diterima oleh dekan faculty of business mmu melaka, Dr. Gerald Goh Guan Gan, Head of Marketing Department Dr. Robert Jeyakumar Nathan dan wakil dekan Fob Dr. Tan Pei Kian.


Kegiatan selama kurang lebih 4 minggu ini terdiri atas kegiatan belajar mengajar di 4 mata kuliah yaitu Qualitative research, marketing in service industry, social media and digital marketing, and business research. Selain itu dua aktifitas di luar kegiatan belajar mengajar yaitu academic sharing (research and ideas sharing among lecturers) dan cultural sharing dengan outbond students peserta exchange program yang akan berangkat ke Universitas Mercu Buana pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2019

Broadcasting Fikom UMB menyelenggrakan Workshop Drone

Broadcasting Fikom UMB menyelenggrakan Workshop Drone sebagai rangkaian dari Broadcasting Fiesta pada selasa 8 oktober  Worksop di adakan Auditorium Prof. Harun Zein  gedung BD lantai 3 dan diikuti 40 mahasiswa dengan target setiap peserta bisa men-take off, manuver dan 360 derajat dan lending drone dengan selamat. drone yg digunakan adalah DJI Phantom berbagai versi.

Materi workshop diberikan Fazar Alamsyah, S.Ikom pilot drone profesional berlisensi dibantu dua instruktur Muhammad Riyadh, M.Ikom dan Alfian serta di moderatori oleh Rizki Birandana, M.Comn, Ph.D Materi workshop disampaikan didalam kelas setelan itu dilanjutkan praktek dilapangan

Broadcasting field of study holds “Television Production Workshop with MNC Media”

Field of Broadcasting Study, Faculty of Communication, Mercu Buana University held a Television Production Workshop with MNC Media. The activity entitled “The Production Process Television “is an activity carried out as part of the MNC Media Anniversary Celebration, namely RCTI, MNC TV, Global TV, and INews. This workshop invited MNV’s External Manager Corporate Secretary Media, Ahmad Al-Hafiz and RCTI Production Manager, Agung Priyatno, S.I.Kom as presenters. Theory what is delivered is the design of the television production process, in the pre-production stage, the production process, and post production.

Participants of this workshop are broadcasting students class 2017-2018, who are indeed deep his courses discuss news production and non television news. Students welcome this activity and seemed very enthusiastic about the material given. This can be seen from the number of students who asked questions in the question and answer session.

In the future, Fields of Broadcasting hopes that cooperation and workshops like this can be achieved continues to be done because it can provide useful knowledge and can improve quality student / I Broadcasting in producing a television program.


Activity Report

Wednesday, September 18, 2019. At 09.00 WIB several parents of New Students in 2019/2020 were present in the Rector’s hall on the 2nd floor. At 09.30 WIB, filling in the attendance list was done with the help of four (4) students representing the department namely Broadcasting, Public Relations, Marketing Communication and Advertising, and Digital Communication.

At 09:45 a.m., the parent gathering began. The event was attended by structural officials namely the Deputy Dean for Resources and Finance Dr. A. Rahman, MM, M.Sc, Head of Faculty of Communication Science Dr. Farid Hamid, M.Sc, along with the Chair of the Field of Study namely Head of Broadcasting, Dr. Afdal Makkuraga Putra, M.Sc, Head of Public Relations, Dr. Elly Yuliawati, M.Sc, Head of Marcomm and Advertising, Digicom Yuni Tresnawati, M.Ikom and Head of Digital Communication, Drs. Dadan Iskandar, M.Sc. In this parent gathering activity also invited Marketing Head of Student Selection Section Mr. Arihta and also Director of Student Affairs Atep Afia, who explained to parents about Student and SME Regulations that can be followed by new students for the 2019/2020 class.

At 10.15 WIB the event began with remarks from the Vice Dean of Fikom Dr. A. Rahman, MM, M.Sc as well as introducing Academic Advisor lecturers. Next was followed by an explanation of lecture activities by the Head of Faculty of Communication Science Dr. Farid Hamid, M.Sc. This explanation concerns the Conditions for Following Lectures, Study Success Evaluation, Study Load, Study Period, Leave and inactivity, KRS Filling Provisions, to an explanation of the attitude and explanation aspects of KHS each semester.

At 11:10 am continued with an explanation of the Student Regulations and an explanation of the Student Activity Unit by the Student Director Atep Afia On this occasion, the Director of Student Affairs of UMB also emphasized that Mercu Buana University is a campus that is smoke and drug free. In addition, he also informed Dirmawa staff contact numbers if there were violations known by the parents of new students of Fikom 2019/2020.

At 11:25 WIB there was a question and answer session and an open discussion between the Fikom academic community and the parents of new students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences class of 2019. The discussion went well with two sessions, while the question and answer session was divided into two sessions with questioners, each session there were 3 people and answered directly by structural officials and Student Director. The questions asked were mostly about the Lecture Process, Campus Regulations, and Output (output) of the curriculum implemented by Fikom UMB. All questions were able to be answered well, and parents also expressed their gratitude for the explanation regarding the lectures of their children.

At 12.00 WIB the event was closed by MC Amirullah. After the event was closed, many parents did not immediately leave the venue, but several parents met Fikom structural officials directly and took a group photo.