The UMB Fikom Broadcasting student won Runner-up in the 2019 IMPACT competition, namely a short film entitled Katresnan Gumantung

Berita gembira datang dari University Sains Malaysia (USM) siang ini, dua karya mahasiswa Broadcasting Fikom UMB berhasil menyabet runner up pada lomba IMPACT 2019, yakni film pendek berjudul Katresnan Gumantung (Film besutan: Bayu Bintang Sadewa dkk, dan foto karya Arjun Idil Akbar. Penerimaan piala diwakili oleh Ibu Rika Jessica, M.Ikom. Terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu dan membimbing sehingga dapat berdiri di podium terhormat USM.

A comparative study visit from the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tadulako to Administration of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Mercu Buana University in the context of developing academic services

Facing the Digital Business Era, UMB Fikom Students Hold a Social Media Workshop

Monday, 09 December 2019 | 07:28 WIB In the framework of the State Care Lecture, Mercu Buana Students held a workshop for Bina Insan Mandiri Vocational School students The widespread use of social media has had an impact in various areas of life, including in business and marketing. Currently, social media is not only used as a means of interaction among its users but also used by business people to promote their own brands and create closeness with their customers. Seeing this new phenomenon, Friday (29/11), an event was held “Social Media Promotion & Digital Advertising Workshop”. Located at SMK Bina Insan Mandiri, Meruya, this workshop is a series of State Care Lectures held by a number of Digital Advertising & Marketing Communication students from Mercu Buana University. Mandalivia, as the chief executive, said that this workshop aims to provide training on social media-based promotion and marketing strategies so that students can later optimize the use of social media for business. The event, which was attended by 12th grade students majoring in marketing, was divided into two sessions, the first was the delivery of material on marketing strategies, content marketing, copywriting and media placement, while the second session was direct practice of photography and videography techniques. During the event, the students responded positively to the material presented and looked enthusiastic when participating in direct practice of photography and videography techniques. “The hope is that after this event, students can apply theories about online marketing strategies so they can compete in the business world, especially some students who have started their own business, hopefully after graduation they can further develop the business,” said Ira as the student representative. SMK Bina Insan Mandiri.


English Marcomm UMB Students Invite Millennial Generation to Create Creative Content

South Tangerang, 9 December 2019 TANGERANG – Through the State Care Course, the Class of 2016 Student Digital Advertising and Marcomm Mercu Buana University (UMB) held a Workshop entitled “Using Smartphones and Social Media for Creative Entrepreneurship Content”, which took place in the classroom at SMK An-Nashihin Jl. Al Latif Mosque, Kademangan, Kec, South Tangerang City. The chief executive, Alvina Woro Ariefviyanti, explained that the workshop, which was held on Tuesday (26/11/2019) and attended by 40 students of SMK An-Nashihin, taught and shared knowledge related to marketing, the theme was taken based on the number of students who have businesses. online shop but there is still very little understanding of the importance of smartphones which can be used for creating attractive marketing content for brands that are sold, especially on social media. “Many online shop accounts originally uploaded photos and did not have a caption, they did not think about marketing content,” he replied. The workshop which took place from 14.00 WIB to 17.00 WIB discussed material on strategic planning of a brand, Media Planning and Creative Content Creation using smartphones, then students were trained to learn basic photography techniques, video editing using smartphones and Copywriting Techniques. . The sophistication of smartphone features can help make it easier to create marketing content so that brands continue to exist and don’t fall behind in competition. Basically, all online businesses that use blogs, websites, social media or marketplaces are required to always create and update marketing content. Because, it is the easiest way of promotion and can be well received by consumers. “After this workshop, it is hoped that the students of SMK An-Nashihin Office Department will be able to develop their abilities and be able to apply the knowledge that has been given, especially in creating attractive marketing content so that accounts selling similar products can survive and increase product sales. them., “added Nurullia Ambarwati, who is also a student of the Digital Advertising and Marcomm study program, Faculty of Communication, Mercu Buana University (FIKOM UMB).

Workshop pengelolaan media sosial untuk branding Panti Asuhan Islam Media Kasih oleh Mahasiswa Universitas Mercu Buana.


Membangun brand image sangatlah penting, tidak hanya untuk sebuah merek akan tetapi organisasi pun butuh membangun brand image, tak terkecuali yayasan panti asuhan agar tercipta persepsi baik di kalangan masyarakat.

Melihat hal tersebut, mahasiswa Universitas Mercu Buana pun tertarik untuk menggali potensi-potensi dari anak-anak Panti Asuhan Yayasan Islam Media Kasih untuk membangun brand image melalui media sosial melalui sebuah workshop kuliah peduli negeri bertema “Pengelolaan Media Sosial untuk Branding Panti Asuhan Islam Media Kasih”.

Mahasiswa jurusan Marketing Communication Universitas Mercu Buana yang beranggotakan 5 orang ini terdiri dari Kezia Gloria, Hastuti Widya, Resty Bella, Prihatinne Hasibuan dan Cintya Margaretha. Mereka menjelaskan materi yang berkaitan dengan membangun branding yang dilanjutkan dengan praktik pembuatan template yang berguna untuk membuat konten di media sosial menjadi rapih dan menarik.

Tidak hanya workshop namun dalam acara ini juga mengajak para anak-anak panti mengikuti kuis dan juga games dan bernyanyi bersama yang membuat acara semakin menarik.

“Acaranya seru dan memberikan edukasi bagi kami sebagai pengurus dan anak panti untuk bisa membranding panti kami melalui social media menjadi lebih baik lagi,” ujar Taufik, pengurus Panti Asuhan Islam Media Kasih.

Melalui workshop ini, diharapkan anak panti dapat terus membuat konten yang menarik untuk media sosial Yayasan Panti Asuhan Islam Media Kasih